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About Tea

I started historical fencing in 2013 with the newly formed Cambridge HEMA, studying Ringeck's longsword gloss with Keith Farrell's translation. By 2015 I was teaching regular longsword classes for the club, in 2017 I began teaching workshops for events in the UK and in May 2018 I taught my first international workshop at HEMAC Dijon in France. I also moved to London and began to fence and coach at New Cross Historical Fencing. I have now taught over 30 workshops and seminars at events from Australia to Arizona.

My two main interests in historical fencing are studying the early Liechtenauer longsword glosses in their historical context and applying modern sports science to HEMA pedagogy. During the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, I wrote a number of articles on coaching & teaching for other instructors. This website is intended to act as an archive for these articles and future writing projects.

If you're interested in having me teach at your event or club, or if you have any questions about fencing or this website, please get in touch by email to tea at fechtlehre dot org.

Events & classes



  • October: Workshop at the Smallsword Symposium (UK)
  • June: Workshops at SERFO (US)
  • May: Workshop at HEMAC Dijon (France)
  • May: Workshops at the May Melee (UK)
  • March: Workshop at Kings of the North (UK)


  • May: Workshop at HEMAC Dijon (France)


  • September: Workshops at Iron Gate Exhibition (USA)
  • September: Seminar for Tucson Historical Fencing Club (USA)
  • September: Cutting seminar for Glasgow HEMA (UK)
  • May: Workshops at the May Melee (UK)
  • May: Workshops at HEMAC Dijon (France)
  • April: Seminar for Fechtschule Victoria (Australia)
  • April: Workshops at Festival of the Sword (Australia)
  • March: Workshops at Longpoint (USA)


  • September: Workshops at Iron Gate Exhibition (USA)
  • August: Workshop at Fightcamp (UK)
  • June: Workshops at Fechtschule New York (USA)
  • May: Workshops at the May Melee (UK)
  • May: Workshop at Masters of Longsword (Sweden)
  • May: Workshop at HEMAC Dijon (France)
  • April: Seminar for Oxford Sword & Staff (UK)
  • March: Instructor training seminar for the School of Historical Combat (UK)
  • March: Workshop at Kings of the North (UK)


  • December: Instructor training seminar for the School of Historical Combat (UK)
  • August: Workshop at Fightcamp (UK)
  • May: Workshop at the May Melee (UK)
  • May: Seminar for Clashing Steel Longsword Club (UK)

Other Projects